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YARDLEY DRY SKIN CLEANSING CREAM with its beneficial softening

ingredients, restores a radiant
freshness . . . and

YARDLEY LIQUEFYING CLEANSING CRE brightens oily skins without leaving a film.

YARDLEY NIGHT CREAM is an extra-rich gratifying skin treat that smoot lubricates, and softens . . . while YARDLEY COMPLEXION MILK, a liqu cream, is a versatile lotion you'll

use to encourage natural elastic and as a protective powder base. YARDLEY ENGLISH COMPLEXION" CRE is the traditional one-step to your ful loveliness, a snowy, feather-light cream that softens, cleanses, and ton In sizes at $1 and $2 (COMPLEXION MILK, $1 and $1.50)

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• Once again, at the piers along the North River, the hoarse sirens of liners announce departure. Again travelers trundle down the long dank docks and up the gangplanks into the lighted ships. Piles of Vuittons in the corridors. Florist boys bearing last-minute tributes. Visitors drinking send-offs in the cabins. Boxes from Dean's. Fruit baskets from Hicks. All the prewar paraphernalia, but a new cast of traveler: elderly exiles going home, businessmen, One-World envoys, young American wives, with their babies, setting out to join the armies of occupation. Over the hubbub, the ship's orchestra playing its nondescript, nostalgic envoi. These liners are veterans. The S. S. America was a troop transport; its ballroom was fitted with triple-tiered bunks. Reconditioned, shining in its fresh paint and brilliant upholstery, 26,454 gross tons of luxury, it now starts its regular peacetime crossings from New York to Cóbh to Southampton to Le Havre.


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• Unfinished when the war began, Britain's Queen Elizabeth made her maiden voyage in secret in 1940, her huge hull covered with gray war paint. As a transport, she earned a Pacific campaign ribbon, then on Atlantic sea lanes raced American soldiers to Europe-her share in reverse lend-lease. Now the biggest liner on the seas is repainted without and refitted within. The veteran becomes a civilian for the first time. In the door of the ship's side, British exports: the heathermixture tweed suit by Molyneux, the crocheted cap by Przeworska.


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