THE INTERPRETER OF PROPHECY, OR, A VIEW OF SCRIPTURAL PROPHECIES- AND THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENT IN THE Paft and Prefent OCCURRENCES of the WORLD. WITH CONJECTURES RESPECTING THEIR FUTURE COMPLETION. BY HENRY KETT, B.D. FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, OXFORD, AND ONE OF HIS PRINTED BY BYE AND LAW, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE, FOR THE AUTHOR ; CHURCH-YARD. 1801. PREFACE. THE aftonishing progress made by infidelity in the present age of the world evidently requires from the friends of Chrif tianity a peculiar degree of energy and vigilance in the caufe of Religious Truth. They cannot fail to recollect, that, although Religion itself is invulnerable against every attack which artifice and violence direct against it, it is their indifpenfable duty to exert their utmoft efforts to check the ravages of an enemy so fatal to the deareft interefts of man: and no mode of protec tion against its contagious fpirit seems better calculated for general ufe, than a FULL AND CLEAR ELUCIDATION OF THE PROPHETICAL PARTS OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS. The evidence derived from PROPHECY in fupport of REVELATION, is a progref five and an accumulating evidence, which |