OF ENGLISH & FOREIGN THEOLOGY: COMPRISING The Holy Scriptures in various Languages; A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF The Fathers of the Church, LITURGICAL WORKS, COUNCILS, & ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY; INCLUDING SEVERAL RECENT PURCHASES FROM The LIBRARIES of the Rev. Dr. GORDON, late Dean of Lincoln, the ADVERTISEMENT. Besides the Books included in the present Catalogue, Messrs. DEIGHTON have an extensive Collection of the best Modern Editions of English and Foreign THEOLOGICAL WORKS. A liberal Discount will be allowed for Ready Money. Cambridge, Feb. 23, 1846. DEIGHTONS' CATALOGUE OF English and Foreign Theology. 1 ALFORDUS, Mich., alias Griffith, Fides Regia Britannica, Saxonica, Anglica, una illa, eademque Sancta, Catholica, Romana, sive Annales Ecclesiastici in quibus Britannorum, Saxonum, Anglorum, orthodoxa fides a Christo nato, ad annos 1189, 4 tom. fine copy, full gilt back, very scarce, 61. 6s. folio, Leodii, 1663 3 66 ... Opus hoc, rarum ac satis amplum, de auctoris eruditione atque industriâ testatur, resque lectione dignas exhibet "-WALCH. stained, 48. ... ... ... 2 ABBADIE, J., Traité de la Vérité de la Religion Chrétienne, 3 tom. 12mo. Rotterdam, 1688 Traité de la Vérité de Religion Chrétienne.-L'Art de se Connoitre soi-meme, ou la Recherche des sources de la Morale, 4 vols. sewed, 8s. 12mo. à la Haye, 1771 4 5 ... ... ... ... L'Art de se Connoitre soi-meme, ou la Recherche des sources de la Morale, 1s. 6d.; sewed, 2s. 12mo. Rotterdam, 1692-1771 Vindication of the Truth of the Christian Religion, against the Objections of all modern Opposers, translated by H. Lussan, neat, 4s. 8vo. Lond. 1694 6 ABBOTT, Rob., Oxon. Antichristi Demonstratio, contra Fabulas Pontificias, et ineptam R. Bellarmini de Antichristo disputationem, 7s. 4to. ib. 1603 66 ... The learned prelate, the author of this work, was considered one of the first polemical divines of the age. Fuller, in his Worthies, comparing him with his brother the Archbishop, says of the two, George was the more plausible preacher, Robert the greater scholar: George the abler statesman, Robert the deeper divine." 7 ABBOT, Dr. Charles, Parochial Divinity; or, Sermons on various subjects, bds. 2s. 6d. 8vo. ib. 1807 8 ABELLY, Lud., Medulla Theologica ex Sacris Scripturis, Conciliorum, Pontificumque, Decretis, et Sanctorum Patrum ac Doctorum placitis expressa, 2 tom. vellum, 16s. 8vo. Aug. Vind. 1754 9 ABERNETHY, John, Works: Sermons on the Being and Natural Perfections of God;-Sermons on various occasions, and Tracts, 7 vols. very neat, 11. 1s. 8vo. Lond. 1746-51 ... B |