THE DIETETIC REFORMER AND Vegetarian Messenger. A QUARTERLY RECORD OF MORAL AND PHYSICAL PROGRESS. 861-62. FIX UPON THAT COURSE OF LIFE WHICH IS BEST: CUSTOM WILL RENDER IT THE MOST DELIGHTFUL." LONDON: JOB CAUDWELL, 335, STRAND. MANCHESTER: W. BREMNER. EDINBURGH: J. DICKSON, NICHOLSON CONTENTS.-1861. 41 Intelligence, Reports, &c. :- Eleventh 128 Annual Meeting of the American Vegetarian Society, 27; Lecture on the Laws of Diet, by Dr. F. R. Lees, 30; Diseased Meat, 31, 59; London, 58, 93; Sheffield, 60; Huddersfield, 61; Andover, 61, 94; Manchester, 93; Cold Climates, Vegetarianism in ......... 33 Common Dietetic Fallacy, A........ Correspondence:- Dietetic Reform- Personal Experience, 21; A Cooper's Experience, 52; Satisfactory Experi- ence of a Weaver, 82; Origin of Can- 21 30 51 Longevity and Vegetable Diet... 117 59 New Applications of Vegetable Sub- 58 |