The Holy Qur'anTranslated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an (also known as The Koran) is the sacred book of Islam. It is the word of God whose truth was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. As it was revealed, so it was committed to memory by his companions, though written copies were also made by literate believers during the lifetime of the Prophet. The first full compilation was by Abu Bakar, the first Caliph, and it was then recompiled in the original dialect by the third Caliph Uthman, after the best reciters had fallen in battle. Muslims believe that the truths of The Holy Qur'an are fully and authentically revealed only in the original classical Arabic. However, as the influence of Islam grows and spreads to the modern world, it is recognised that translation is an important element in introducing and explaining Islam to a wider audience. This translation, by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, is considered to be the most faithful rendering available in English. |
From inside the book
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AlFatihah The Opening | 3 |
AlBaqarah The Heifer | 4 |
Āl Imran The Family of Imran | 39 |
AnNisa The Women | 60 |
s AlMaidah The Table Spread | 81 |
AlAnām The Cattle | 97 |
AlAraf The Heights IIS 8 AlAnfal The Spoils of War | 136 |
AtTawbah The Repentance | 144 |
AsSaff The Ranks | 482 |
AlJumuah Friday | 484 |
AlMunafiqun The Hypocrites | 486 |
AtTaghabun The Mutual Loss and Gain | 488 |
AtTalaq Divorce | 490 |
AtTahrim Prohibition | 492 |
AlMulk The Dominion | 494 |
AlQalam The Pen | 497 |
Yūnus Jonah | 159 |
Hūd | 170 |
YusufJoseph | 182 |
ArRad The Thunder | 194 |
Ibrahim Abraham | 200 |
AlHijr The Rocky Tract | 206 |
AnNahl Bees | 212 |
AlIsra The Night Journey | 224 |
AlKahf The Cave | 235 |
Maryam Mary | 246 |
Tā Hā | 253 |
AlAnbiya The Prophets | 263 |
AlHajj The Pilgrimage | 271 |
AlMuminun The Believers | 279 |
AnNur The Light | 287 |
AlWaqiah The Inevitable | 465 |
AlHadid The Iron | 469 |
AlMujadilah The Pleading | 473 |
AlHashr The Mustering | 476 |
AlMumtahanah The Examined One | 479 |
AlHaqqah The Sure Reality | 500 |
AlMaarij The Ways of Ascent | 503 |
Nuh Noah | 505 |
AlJinn The Spirits | 507 |
AlMuzzammil The Enfolded One | 509 |
AlMuddaththir The One Wrapped Up | 511 |
AlQiyamah The Resurrection | 514 |
AlInsan Man | 516 |
AlMursalāt Those Sent Forth | 518 |
AnNaba The Great News | 520 |
AnNaziat Those Who Tear Out | 522 |
Abasa He Frowned | 524 |
AtTakwir The Folding Up | 526 |
AlInfitär The Cleaving Asunder | 528 |
AlMutaffifin The Dealers in Fraud | 529 |
AlInshiqaq The Rending Asunder | 531 |
AlBuruj The Constellations | 532 |
AtTariq The NightVisitant | 533 |