Catalogue, Issue 245 |
From inside the book
Results 6-10 of 24
Page 1847
... TRANSLATED FROM AN INDIAN MANUSCRIPT . L'ECONOMIE DE LA VIE HUMAINE . Traduite sur un Manuscrit Indien . R. Dodsley , 1751. English and French facing pages . 8vo , original calf . 10s 6d 12209 The Psalms or Songs Of all the Roberdsmen ...
... TRANSLATED FROM AN INDIAN MANUSCRIPT . L'ECONOMIE DE LA VIE HUMAINE . Traduite sur un Manuscrit Indien . R. Dodsley , 1751. English and French facing pages . 8vo , original calf . 10s 6d 12209 The Psalms or Songs Of all the Roberdsmen ...
Page 1854
... translated into English , together with an ORIGINAL PREFACE , containing a Parallel betwixt Painting and Poetry , by Mr. DRYDEN ; as also a short Account of the most Eminent Painters , both Ancient and Modern , continued down to the ...
... translated into English , together with an ORIGINAL PREFACE , containing a Parallel betwixt Painting and Poetry , by Mr. DRYDEN ; as also a short Account of the most Eminent Painters , both Ancient and Modern , continued down to the ...
Page 1856
... TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH VERSE . BY THE MOST EMINENT HANDS . Adorn'd with Cutts . J. Tonson , 1729 . Copper plates . 8vo , cloth . 12s To the Lady Lovisa Lenos , Advertisement , Preface by MR . DRYDEN , Table ( 22 pp . ) 12257a A Poem on ...
... TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH VERSE . BY THE MOST EMINENT HANDS . Adorn'd with Cutts . J. Tonson , 1729 . Copper plates . 8vo , cloth . 12s To the Lady Lovisa Lenos , Advertisement , Preface by MR . DRYDEN , Table ( 22 pp . ) 12257a A Poem on ...
Page 1857
... translated into English from the Latin Edition . Dublin : George Bonham , 1792. 8vo , sewn . 5S 12269 TEXNHOYPAMBEIA or , A POEM UPON PADDY MURPHY , Porter of Trin . Coll . Dublin . Translated from the Original in Latin . Dublin ...
... translated into English from the Latin Edition . Dublin : George Bonham , 1792. 8vo , sewn . 5S 12269 TEXNHOYPAMBEIA or , A POEM UPON PADDY MURPHY , Porter of Trin . Coll . Dublin . Translated from the Original in Latin . Dublin ...
Page 1858
... TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH VERSE By MR . DUDLEY . J. Catterns , 1739. FIRST EDITION . 8vo , sewn , SCARCE . £ 1 10s DUDLEY ( SIR HENRY BATE ) . 12274 The Rival Candidates . A COMIC OPERA J. Williams , 1775. 12mo , sewn . at Drury Lane ...
... TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH VERSE By MR . DUDLEY . J. Catterns , 1739. FIRST EDITION . 8vo , sewn , SCARCE . £ 1 10s DUDLEY ( SIR HENRY BATE ) . 12274 The Rival Candidates . A COMIC OPERA J. Williams , 1775. 12mo , sewn . at Drury Lane ...
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Common terms and phrases
Acted Author Ballad Beggar's Opera BOOK Booksellers BROADSIDE ENGRAVING Character CHARLES DARWIN CHARLES DICKENS Church COMEDY containing contemporary Dedication DENNIS Dodsley Dramatis Personę Drayton Drury Lane Drury-Lane DRYDEN JOHN Dublin Duke Dunton Earl Edward Elegy ELIZA HAYWOOD England English Engraved front Engraved frontispiece Engraved portrait Epilogue Epistle Essay Folio FRANCIS French Friend GEORGE gilt edges GOLDSMITH GRIMESTON half calf HENRY FIELDING Henry Herringman HERBERT History Honourable Jacob Tonson JAMES John Dunton King Lady late Latin Letter Lintot London Lord Love Majesty Majesty's MICHAEL DRAYTON Miss morocco NARCISSUS LUTTRELL'S copy Number old calf OLIVER GOLDSMITH original calf original cloth Oxford Parliament Phiz play POEM Poets Preface Prince Prologue Queen Reader rebacked Richard Roberts Royal SATYR SCARCE Second Edition sewn SHAKESPEARE allusion SHAKESPEARE matter Small 4to Theatre Theatre-Royal THOMAS TION title-page the original Tonson TRAGEDY Translated UNCUT vols volume Wenman WILLIAM written on title-page
Popular passages
Page 1868 - REAL LIFE IN LONDON : or, the Rambles and Adventures of Bob Tallyho, Esq., and his Cousin, The Hon. Tom Dashall. By an Amateur (Pierce Egan). With 31 Coloured Plates by Alken and Rowlandson, etc.
Page 1844 - A CHRISTMAS CAROL IN PROSE. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas. By Charles Dickens.
Page 1892 - The person who acted Polly, till then obscure, became all at once the favourite of the town; her pictures were engraved, and sold in great numbers ; her Life written, books of letters and verses to her published, and pamphlets made even of her sayings and jests. Furthermore, it drove out of England (for that season) the Italian Opera, which had carried all before it for ten years.
Page 1850 - PolyOlbion: or, a Chorographicall Description of Tracts, Rivers, Mountains, Forests, and other Parts of this renowned Isle of Great Britaine, with intermixture of the most Remarquable Stories, Antiquities, Wonders, Rarityes, Pleasures, and Commodities of the Same...
Page 1902 - Poems on Several Occasions. WRITTEN BY DR. THOMAS PARNELL, Late Archdeacon of Clogher. AND PUBLISHED BY MR. POPE. With THE LIFE OF ZOILUS. And his Remarks on Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice.
Page 1855 - Melantha is as finished an impertinent as ever fluttered in a drawing-room, and seems to contain the most complete system of female foppery, that could possibly be crowded into the tortured form of a fine lady.
Page 1839 - REFLECTIONS upon polygamy and the encouragement given to that practice in the Scriptures of the Old Testament.
Page 1834 - An Enquiry into the Occasional Conformity of Dissenters in Cases of Preferment. With a Preface to the Lord Mayor, Occasioned by his carrying the Sword to a Conventicle.
Page 1836 - The Two Great questions considered. I. What the French King will do with respect, to the Spanish Monarchy. II. What measures the English ought to take.
Page 1841 - Remarks on Mr. Pope's Rape of the Lock. In Several Letters to a Friend. With a Preface, Occasion'd by the late TREATISE ON THE PROFUND, and THE DUNCIAD.