| Harvard university libr - 1830 - 476 pages
...Biography of the phncipal American Military and Naval Heroes. 2 vols. 12mo. N.York. 1817—19. Wilson, W. Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testament...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ 8vo. Camb. 1797. Wilson, W. Sermon to a Congregation before Choosing a Pastor. 8vo. Lend. 1734. Wilton,... | |
| Harvard University. Library - Academic libraries - 1830 - 484 pages
...American Military and Naval Heroes. 2 vola. 12mo. N.York. 1817—19. Wilson, W. Illustration of the Metbod of Explaining the New Testament by the Early Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. 8vo. Camb. 1797. Wilson, W. Sermon to a Congregation before Choosing a Pastor. 8vo. Lend. 1734. Wilton,... | |
| Richard Watson - Apologetics - 1831 - 458 pages
...Spiritus, et Spiritus Dei, et Spiritus Sancti passim (1) See this argument largely and ably stated in {7 { c v$ 1 * 9 j YU fa oTab h3 E Christiaus concerning Christ.1' insigniri." To this we may add the authority of many other eminent... | |
| Frances Mary Richardson CURRER, Charles James STEWART (Bookseller.) - 1833 - 560 pages
...Application of those Principles to the Illustration of the New Testament, 8vo. Lond. 1820. Wilson's (W.) Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testament...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ .[in refutation of Priestley's Early Opinions], 8vo. Cambridge, 1797. Middleton's (Bp. TF) Doctrine... | |
| Richard Treffry - 1837 - 572 pages
...demands, is respectfully referred to the first six chapters of Mr. Wilson's valuable work, entitled, " An Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament...opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ;" a treatise to which the present part of our inquiry is much indebted. Especially where individuals... | |
| Richard Newton Adams - Bible - 1838 - 270 pages
...GLADSTONE, Esq., MP, by the Rev. GA SELWYN, MA, Fellow of St. John's College Cambridge. 2s. 6d. AN ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
| John Henry Browne - Oxford movement - 1838 - 204 pages
...another, or are inconsistent with themselves on most other subjects, is surely of some importance."—An Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testament...opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By W. Wilson, BD Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, p. 120. First edition. Having reason to believe... | |
| William Francis Ainsworth - 1838 - 406 pages
...of the ETHICAL WORKS of RALPH CUDWORTH, DD, sometime Master of Christ's College, Cambridge. 3a. AN ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
| WILLIAM STRAKER - 1838 - 392 pages
...Reformation Principles of the Church of Scotland, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. scarce, 6s 6d Edin. 1739 6882 Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament,...opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ, 8vo. bds. very scarce, 12s Camb. 1797 6983 History and Antiquities of Dissenting Churches and Meeting... | |
| 1838 - 516 pages
...Subscription. None for sale. The Brief Record of Meditative Hours. By a Young Disciple. Flscp. 8vo. »*. ed. An Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testament by the Early Opinions of Jewi and Christiant concerning Christ. By W. Turton, DD Svo. 8j. Sermons, by the Rev. John Miller,... | |
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