| John (st.) - 1884 - 252 pages
...Popery. Edited by J. SCHOLEHIELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo, is. 6d. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...Edited by T. TuRTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo. $s. Lectures on Divinity delivered in the University of Cambridge. By JOHN HEY, DD Third Edition,... | |
| Wilhelm Heinrich von Riehl - 1884 - 340 pages
...Popery. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo. 45. 6d. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...Edited by T. TuRTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo, ¡s. Lectures on Divinity delivered in the University of Cambridge. By JOHN HEY, DD Third Edition,... | |
| Andrew Bruce Davidson - Bible - 1884 - 400 pages
...Popery. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo. Js. 6d. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...Edited by T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo. is. Lectures on Divinity delivered in the University of Cambridge. By JOHN HEY, DD Third Edition,... | |
| Simon Somerville Laurie - 1884 - 272 pages
...Popery. Edited by J. ScHOLEF1ELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo, "js. 6d. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...Edited by T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo. $s. Lectures on Divinity delivered in the University of Cambridge. By JOHN HEY, DD Third Edition,... | |
| Jean Baptiste Poquelin de Molière - 1884 - 144 pages
...Popery. Edited by J. SCHOLEKIELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo, js. 6d. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...Edited by T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo, is. Lectures on Divinity delivered in the University of Cambridge. By JOHN HEY, DD Third Edition,... | |
| Bible - 1884 - 164 pages
...Popery. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, M,A. late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo. Js. 6d. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...Edited by T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo. 5*Lectures on Divinity delivered in the University of Cambridge. By JOHN HEY, DD Third Edition,... | |
| Wilhelm Hauff - 1884 - 250 pages
...Popery. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo. js. 6d. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...Edited by T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo. £*. Lectures on Divinity delivered in the University of Cambridge. By JOHN HEY, DD Third Edition,... | |
| Julius Caesar, Arthur George Peskett - Gaul - 1884 - 200 pages
...Popery. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo. 7*. 6d. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...Edited by T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo. 5*. Lectures on Divinity delivered in the University of Cambridge. By JOHN HEY, DD Third Edition,... | |
| Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener - Bible - 1884 - 350 pages
...by J. SCIIOLKKIKLD, М.Л. late Kegiu* Pro* lessor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo. 7/. 6V. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...Edited by T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo, 5/. Lectures on Divinity delivered in the University of Cambridge. By JOHN HEV, DD Third Edition,... | |
| Thomas Kelly Cheyne - Bible - 1884 - 162 pages
...Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo. >js. dd. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...Edited by T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo. *,s. Lectures on Divinity delivered in the University of Cambridge. By JOHN HEY, DD Third Edition,... | |
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