![](https://books.google.co.in/books/content?id=nZYdVbbfEokC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Thomas Bartlett - 1839 - 586 pages
...late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Six Volumes Octavo. To be published in JANUARY, 1839.' !An ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT,...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
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...PHILIPPI, 2*. THE SATIRES and EPISTLES of HORACE, interpreted by DAVID HUNTER, Esq., MA 4s. (id. An ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT,...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, Inte Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
![](https://books.google.co.in/books/content?id=osMNAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Alexander Maconochie - Penal colonies - 1839 - 288 pages
...Cambridge. With a fine Portrait from an Original Picture by VANDYKE. Six Volumes, Octavo. 31. 12s. An ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT,...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BC, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
![](https://books.google.co.in/books/content?id=bPsWAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Thomas Hartwell Horne - Bible - 1839 - 456 pages
...have been enhanced if the compiler had specified the sources or authors of each emendation. 1 35. An Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament...opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By W. WILSON, BI). Cambridge, 1797. 8vo. A New Edition, carefully revised, Cambridge, 1838. 8vo. "... | |
![](https://books.google.co.in/books/content?id=r5sOAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | 1839 - 538 pages
...of the Booksellers in Town or Country. London : John W. Parker, West Strand. This day, 3vo, 8f., AN ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
![](https://books.google.co.in/books/content?id=KBdKAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Derwent Coleridge - Sermons, English - 1839 - 540 pages
...Notes, by the Rev. John Allen, MA, of King's College, London; Government Inspector of Schools. 3s. An Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testament...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By W. Wilson, BD A New Edition, revised. Ss. Archbishop Usher's Answer to a Jesuit, with other Tracts... | |
![](https://books.google.co.in/books/content?id=IMcHAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Christopher Benson - Clergy - 1839 - 164 pages
...Cambridge. With a fine Portrait from an Original Picture by VANDYKE. Six Volumes, Octavo. 31. 12*. An ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT,...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BC, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
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...JOHN ALLEN, MA, Chaplain of King's College, London; Inspector of Schools aided by Public Grant*. 3i AN ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT by the Early Opinions of Jews an<l Christian* concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge.... | |
![](https://books.google.co.in/books/content?id=QRwEAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Great Britain - 1844 - 582 pages
...interpreted by then living witnesses, he anticipated, in part, the arguments of the Rev. W. Wilson, in his Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament by the early Opinions of the Jews and Christians concerning Christ. On the translation of bishop Harrington from Salisbury toDurham,... | |
![](https://books.google.co.in/books/content?id=7ecDAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Richard Mant (bp. of Down, Connor and Dromore.) - 1840 - 886 pages
...HUNDRED AND FIFTY CONTEMPORARY DIVINES OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH. Five Volumes, at 6s. 6d. each. AN ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
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