| John Scandrett Harford - 1840 - 606 pages
...copy of a very imperfect book, which I ventured to publish about a year since under the title of " An Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ." My only reason for taking such a liberty, and for troubling you with this letter, is, to apologise... | |
| William Whewell - Science - 1840 - 606 pages
...Second Edition, 8*. ARCHBISHOP USHER'S ANSWER TO A JESUIT with other TRACTS on POPF.RV. 13*. <W. AN ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
| Charles Henry Hartshorne - Brasses - 1840 - 112 pages
...Origin, Rights, and Duties of the National Church. By the Rev. RICHARD CATTIBMOLE, BD Octavo. Kit. AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE METHOD OF EXPLAINING THE NEW TESTAMENT...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WM. WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, revised. 8s. SYNCHRONOLOGY... | |
| Titus Maccius Plautus - 1840 - 284 pages
...HUNDRED AND FIFTY CONTEMPORARY DIVINES OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH. Five Volumes, at 6s. 6d each. AN ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
| Frederick Robert Augustus Glover - Clergy - 1840 - 346 pages
...Reprinted. 1761 Distilled Liquors the Bane of the Nation. WILSON, W., BD; Fel. St. John's Col. Cambridge. An Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament...opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. Camb. 8vo. LL WILSON. WOMOCK. 1797. Written principally as a refutation of Dr. Priestley's " History... | |
| J. W. Anderson, Richard Cull - Elocution - 1840 - 180 pages
...Explanatory Memoirs, and a copious Index of Scriptural and Modern Names. By W. HUGHES, FRGS Is. Qd. An Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testament...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By W. WILSON, BD Edited by the Rt. Rev. T. TURTON, DD, Lord Bishop of Ely. A New Edition, revised,... | |
| University of Cambridge - 1841 - 548 pages
...XCII1. ARCHBISHOP USHER'S ANSWER TO A JESUIT. With other Tracts on Popery. 8vo. 13*. 6rf. XCIV. AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE METHOD OF EXPLAINING THE NEW TESTAMENT,...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By W. WILSON, BD late Fellow of St. John's Coll. Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised, 8*. XCV.... | |
| Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland - Asia - 1841 - 630 pages
...late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. In Six Volumes, Octavo, with a fine Portrait. 31. 12*. AN ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
| George Peacock - 1841 - 292 pages
...ALLEN, MA, Chaplain of King's College, London; Inspector of Schools aided by Public Grants. 3*. AN ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
| Augustus Clissold - 1841 - 620 pages
...and those of Swedenborg, are often declared to be identical. In a work, for instance, entitled, an Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament,...opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ, by W. Wilson, BD Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, we find the following remark, p. 438: "The... | |
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