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...ALLEN, MA, Chaplain of King's College, London; Inspector of Schools aided by Public Grants. 3*. AN ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of fit John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
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...ALLEN, MA. Chaplain of King's College, London; Inspector of Schools aided by Public Grants. 3*. AN ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of EXPLAINING the NEW TESTAMENT...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. A New Edition, carefully revised.... | |
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...Holidays throughout the Year ; for the Use of Families. By the Rev. JF HONE, MA, Vicar of Tirley. 6f . An ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of explaining the NEW TESTAMENT by the Early Opinions of the Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College,... | |
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...reduced to the smallest conceivable amount. We have an instance of this in " Wilson's Illustration of the New Testament by the early opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ,"* a work otherwise containing much valuable information, and most satisfactorily refuting the historical... | |
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...the Oxford editions. By Rev. I. BARTLETT, MA, Author of the Life of Bishop Sutler. 2«. «.«('. An ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of explaining the NEW TESTAMENT by the Early Opinions of the Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By WILLIAM WILSON, BD, late Fellow of St. John's College,... | |
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...Bp. of Calcutta) Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 8* . . 1828 4429 (W.) Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament,...opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ, 8vo. bds. 6s — calf, 7s 6d 1797 " A refutation of Priestley's History of Early Opinions. It would... | |
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...Notes, by the Rev. John Allen, MA, of King's College, London; Government Inspector of Schools. 3*. An Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testament...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By W. Wilson, BD A New Edition, revised. 8s. Archbishop Usher's Answer to a Jesuit, with other Tracts... | |
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...adjiciuntur Catechismus EDVARDI VI. et Articuli AD 1552 approbati. 8vo. 6s. 6d. CXVI. WILSON (Rev. Wm.) An Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testament by the early Opinions of the Jews and Christians concerning Christ. New edition, 8vo. 8s. MESSRS. DEIGHTONS PUBLICATIONS. >... | |
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...College. " 10s. 6rf. The FOUNDATION of MOEALS, Four Sermons on. By W. WHEWELL, DD 8vo. 3s. 6rf. An ILLUSTRATION of the METHOD of Explaining the New Testament by the early Opinions of the Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By the Rev. W. WILSON, MA, late Fellow of St. John's College,... | |
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...SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Régine Professor of Greek in the Unirvntty. Octavo. 1 3«. 6cf. Wilson's nimtration of the Method of explaining the New Testament, by...of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. Edited by Т. Товюх, DD Lord Bishop of Ely. Octaro. 8». 4 eTambríDge üilmbcrsttg îJJtcSa ÎSoobg. Lectures... | |
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