| Adolfo de Castro y Rossi - 1851 - 314 pages
...the College. 10». 6rf. The Foundation of Morals, Four Sermons on. By W. WHEWELL, DD 8vo. 3». 6d. An Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testament by the early Opinions of the Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By the Rev. W. WILSON, MA, late Fellow of St. John's College,... | |
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...Bart., MA Is. 6d. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testament by the Earlv Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. Edited by T. Turton, DD, Lord Bishop of Ely. 8«. Dr Hey's Lectures on Divinity, delivered in the University of Cambridge. Third... | |
 | Alexander McCaul - 1852 - 208 pages
...material Defences of them, are revised and answered. A New Edition, by C. HAEDWICK, MA Octavo. 10s. 6rf. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...Jews and Christians concerning Christ. Edited by T. TORTON, DD, Lord Bishop of Ely. A New Edition, revised, 8*. A Commentary on the Epistle of Paul the... | |
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...of Christ is estab"lished by the authority of inspiration itself." || Here the little words * " An Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testament,...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By W. Wilson, BD" f Work*, vii. pp. 38—43. Remarks, pp. 40 — 46. ; 1 1 •,..;., p. 44. Remarks,... | |
 | Encyclopaedia - 1852 - 232 pages
...Nazarenus ;' Mosheim, ' Meditationes de Ebione in Observat. Sacr.,' p. 233 ; W. Wilson's ' Illustrations of the Method of Explaining the New Testament by the...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ,' &c. ELXAI— ELCESAIT^E OR HELCESAIT^. sect arising The Elcesaitse were followers of Elxai (sometimes... | |
 | Hugo Grotius - International law - 1853 - 480 pages
...Jesuit, with other Tracts on Popery. Edited by the late Professor SCHOLEFIELD. 8vo. 13i. G«/. WIWON'S Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament,...Christians concerning Christ. Edited by T. TURTON, DD, Lord Bishop of Ely. 8vo. 8*. TWYSDEN'S Historical Vindication of the Church of England in point of... | |
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...Answer to a Jesuit, with other Tracts on Popery. Edited by the late Professor SCHOLEFIELD. 8vo. 13a. Qd. WILSON'S Illustration of the Method of Explaining...Jews and Christians concerning Christ. Edited by T. TÜRTON, DD, Lord Bishop of Ely. 8vo. 8*. ! TWYSDEN'S Historical Vindication of the Church of « England... | |
 | John James Blunt - Bible - 1853 - 402 pages
...this question may at first seem, the answer 1 The following argument was suggested to me by reading Wilson's " Illustration of the Method of Explaining...Opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ." is not so obvious as might be supposed. By a careful perusal of the trial of our Lord, as described... | |
 | Hugo Grotius - International law - 1853 - 544 pages
...late Professor SCHoLEFIELD. 8vo. 13s. 6ii. WILSON'S Illustration of the Method of explaining the Neiu Testament, by the early opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ. Edited by T. TURToN, DD, Lord Bishep of Ely. 8vo. 8s. TWYSDEN'S Historical Vindication of the Church of England in point of... | |
 | Demosthenes, Richard Shilleto - 1853 - 260 pages
...Ages. By the Rev. R. WILLIS, MA, late Fellow of Caius College, Cambridge. 8vo. 10«. 6d. Wilson. — An Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testament by the early Opinions of the Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By the Rev. W. WILSON, MA, late Fellow of St. John's College,... | |
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