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" Resolved, &c., iiemine contradicente, that in all aids given to the king by the Commons the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the Lords. "
The Parliament and Councils of England, Chronologically Arranged: From the ... - Page 565
by Charles Henry Parry - 1839 - 641 pages
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"Their Majesties' Servants.": Annals of the English Stage, from ..., Volume 2

Dr. Doran (John) - Actors - 1865 - 446 pages
...Commons, whose members had rebuked the Lords for daring to alter an impost laid on sugar, to the effect that in all aids given to the King by the Commons, the tax levied might be agreed to, but it could not be altered by the Lords. Knots of shabby-looking clergymen...
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"Their Majesties' Servants.": Annals of the English Stage, from ..., Volume 2

Dr. Doran (John) - Actors - 1865 - 442 pages
...Commons, whose members had rebuked the Lords for daring to alter an impost laid on sugar, to the effect that in all aids given to the King by the Commons, the tax levied might be agreed to, but it could not be altered by the Lords. Knots of shabby-looking clergymen...
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Journal of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of ..., Volume 89

Massachusetts. General Court. House of Representatives - Massachusetts - 1868 - 780 pages
...others. In this year, (1671,) the Commons advanced their claim still further, by resolving unanimously " That in all aids given to the King by the Commons, the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the Lords." 3 Hatsell's Tree. 88. In the year 1678, a very bitter...
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Speeches on Questions of Public Policy, Volume 2

John Bright - Great Britain - 1869 - 588 pages
...from one penny per pound to five-eighths of a penny, and the House of Commons came to a Resolution that ' in all aids given to the King by the Commons the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the Lords.' A conference was held with the House of Lords, and the...
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Outlook and Independent, Volume 93

1909 - 1108 pages
...Commons, on the one hand, maintain the .position which the Commons enunciated as far back as 1671, that "in all aids given to the King, by the Commons, the Rate or Tax ought not to be altered by the Lords." As President Lowell says in his work on "The Government...
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The student's Constitutional history of England. The constitutional history ...

Henry Hallam - 1872 - 708 pages
...the lords having reduced the amount of an imposition on sugar, it was resolved by the other house, "That, in all aids given to the king by the commons, the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the lords." This brought on several conferences between the houses,...
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A Manual of Constitutional History Founded on the Works of Hallam, Creasy ...

Forrest Fulton - Constitutional history - 1875 - 340 pages
...the lords having reduced the amount of an imposition on sugar, it was resolved by the other house " that in all aids given to the king by the commons, the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the lords." Several conferences took place on the question, and Hallam...
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Documents Printed by Order of the Senate, Issues 100-262

Massachusetts. General Court. Senate - 1878 - 1110 pages the Bill for an imposition on foreign commodities. April 13, 1671, the Commons " Resolved, nem. con., that, in all aids given to the king by the Commons, the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the Lords." On the other hand, the Lords resolve that the power herein...
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Journal of the Senate, Volume 99

Massachusetts. General Court. Senate - Massachusetts - 1878 - 570 pages
...Lords to the bill for an imposition on foreign commodities. April 13, 1671, the Commons "Resolved, nem. con., that, in all aids given to the king by the Commons, the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the Lords." On the other hand, the Lords resolve that the power herein...
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A treatise on the law [&c.].

Thomas Erskine May (baron Farnborough.) - 1879 - 984 pages
...were agreed to : but in 1671, the Commons advanced their claim somewhat further, by resolving, iiem. con., " That in all aids given to the king by the Commons, the rate or tax ought not to be altered;"5 and in 1678, their claim was urged so far as to exclude the Lords...
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