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" Resolved, &c., iiemine contradicente, that in all aids given to the king by the Commons the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the Lords. "
The Parliament and Councils of England, Chronologically Arranged: From the ... - Page 565
by Charles Henry Parry - 1839 - 641 pages
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Parliament: Its History, Constitution and Practice

Sir Courtenay Peregrine Ilbert - Cabinet system - 1920 - 280 pages
...asserted, as against the other house, their exclusive right to control taxation. In 1671 they resolved " that in all aids given to the king by the commons, the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the lords." In 1678 they again resolved, in fuller language, " that...
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Proceedings and Debates of the British Parliaments Respecting ..., Volume 1

Great Britain. Parliament - America - 1924 - 546 pages
...halfpeny half farthing, was read the second time ; and debated. Resolved, etc., nemine contradicente, that, in all aids given to the king, by the Commons, the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the Lords. (CJ, IX. 235.) Apr. 13, HC. Ordered, that it be referred...
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The House of Lords in the XVIIIth Century

Arthur Stanley Turberville - History - 1927 - 600 pages
...had provoked a controversy with the Commons. In 1671 the latter resolved ' that, in all aids given the King, by the Commons, the Rate of Tax ought not to be altered by the Lords '.2 Nevertheless, in 1678, the Upper House amended a money bill, whereupon the Commons adopted another,...
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English Government and Politics

Frederic Austin Ogg - Great Britain - 1929 - 850 pages
...representation should go together, was firmly and continuously asserted. In 1671 the Commons resolved "that in all aids given to the king by the Commons, the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the Lords ;" and a resolution of 1678 — following an historic contest...
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Nineteenth Century and After: A Monthly Review, Volume 66

1909 - 1132 pages
...resolutions of the House of Commons passed in 1671 and 1678 respectively. By the first the Commons affirmed ' that in all aids given to the King by the Commons the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the Lords ; " by the second, that AH aids and supplies, and aids...
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The Stuart Constitution, 1603-1688: Documents and Commentary

J. P. Kenyon - History - 1986 - 504 pages
...halfpenny half-farthing, was read the second time, and debated. Resolved, &c., nemine contradicente, that in all aids given to the king by the Commons the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the Lords. [Conference, 20 April 1671] . . . Their Lordships had...
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The Constitution of New South Wales

Anne Twomey - Law - 2004 - 966 pages
...purse rests in the Lower House of Westminster-style Parliaments. In 1671 the House of Commons resolved that 'in all aids given to the King by the Commons, the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the Lords'. On 3 July 1678, the House of Commons passed the following...
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The life and times of the right hon. John Bright, Volume 2

William Robertson (reporter.) - 1884 - 416 pages
...from one penny per pound to five-eighths of a penny, and the House of Commons eame to a resolution that ' in all aids given to the King by the Commons the rate or tax ought not to be altered by the Lords.' A eonferenee was held with the House of Lords, and the...
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The Pictorial History of England: Being, a History of the People ..., Volume 5

George Lillie Craik - Great Britain - 1841 - 664 pages
...imposing a tax upon sugar, the Lords reduced the amount of the tax ; on which the Commons resolved, " That in all aids given to the king by the Commons, the rate or tax ought not to be altei-fíd by the Lords." This brought on three successive conferences between...
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