| Bibliography - 1985 - 914 pages
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| English literature - 1888 - 1384 pages
...refined. 8vo. 2s. ALFIERI'S TRAGEDIES. 2 vols. 3*. dd. each.— Sec B01IÎTS fiT. LIB. AIiPOBD (Dean). moir by Dr. Gregory and an Essay on hia Character...Jolm Foster. With Portrait after Branwhite. HAUFF'S nsc of Theological Students and Ministers. By the late Henry Alford, DD, Dean of Canterbury. 4 vols.... | |
| Microcards - 1997 - 1128 pages
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| Bibliography - 1986 - 1228 pages
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| Microcards - 1987 - 136 pages
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| Chrys C. Caragounis - Bibles - 1990 - 176 pages
...Wilckens, ///. SECONDARY LITERATURE Albright, WF - Mann, CS, Matthew (AnchB), New York 1971. Alford, H., The Greek Testament. With a Critically Revised Text:...and Idiomatic Usage: Prolegomena: and a Critical and Hxegetical Commentary, London etc. Vol. I 61868; Vol. II 51865; Vol. Ill «1865; Vol. IV 31866. Allen,... | |
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