| Shew Shunker Singh - Nepal - 1877 - 452 pages
...system ness of the directions given for using it." — on which the pointing has been marked, Times. GREEK AND ENGLISH TESTAMENT, in parallel Columns on...late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Small Octavo. New Edition, in the Press. GREEK TESTAMENT, ex editione Stcphani tertia, 1550. Small... | |
 | Wilhelm Wagner - Ballads, German - 1877 - 184 pages
...to be sung or said in Churches. Embossed cloth, Royal 24mo, 2s. The same in square jimo, cloth, 6i/. Greek and English Testament, in parallel columns on the same page. Edited by J. SCHOLEF1ELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. New Edition in the Press. Greek Testament,... | |
 | Bryan Walker - Roman law - 1877 - 168 pages
...be sung or said in Churches. Embossed cloth, Royal 241110, is. The same in square 321110, cloth, 6d. Greek and English Testament, in parallel columns on the same page. Edited by J. SCHOI.EFIEI.D, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. New Edition in the Press. Greek... | |
 | Gustav Freytag - Germany - 1877 - 144 pages
...be sung or said in Churches. Embossed cloth, Royal 24mo, 2Л The same in square з^то, cloth, 6d. Greek and English Testament, in parallel columns on the same page. Edited by J. ScHOLEF1EbD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. New Edition in the Press. Greek Testament,... | |
 | Gustav Freytag - 1877 - 144 pages
...Trinity College. Demy Octavo. 7*. 6d. Archbishop usher's Answer to a Jesuit, with other Tracts on Popery. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo, is. 6ii. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament, by the early... | |
 | Anne Louise Germaine Staël-Holstein (baronne de.) - 1877 - 168 pages
...Trinity College. Demy Octavo. 7j. 6d. Archbishop Usher's Answer to a Jesuit, with other Tracts on Popery. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo. 7.r. dd. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament, by the early... | |
 | Marcus Tullius Cicero - 1878 - 112 pages
...to be sung or said in Churches. Embossed cloth, Royal 24mo, 2s. The same in square s^mo, cloth, 6d, Greek and English Testament, in parallel columns on...University. New Edition in the Press. Greek Testament, ex editione Stephani tertia, 1550. Small Octavo. 35. 6d. The Gospel according to St Matthew in Anglo-Saxon... | |
 | Publius Ovidius Naso - 1878 - 120 pages
...be sung or said in Churches. Embossed cloth, Royal 24010, 2j. The same in square jimo, cloth, 6<£ Greek and English Testament, in parallel columns on...University. New Edition in the Press. Greek Testament, ex editione Stephani tertia, 1550. Small Octavo. $s. fid. The Gospel according to St Matthew in Anglo-Saxon... | |
 | Gaius Julius Caesar - 1878 - 136 pages
...sung or said in Churches. Embossed cloth, Royal 241110, is. The same in square 311110, cloth, 6cl. Greek and English Testament, in parallel columns on...Professor of Greek in the University. New Edition in ifu Pras. Greek Testament, ex editione Stephani tertia, 1550. Small Octavo. y. 6d. The Gospel aocording... | |
 | Walter William Skeat - 1878 - 254 pages
...system ness of the directions given for using it." — on which the pointing has been marked, Timts. GREEK AND ENGLISH TESTAMENT, in parallel Columns on...late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Small Oc~tavo. New Edition, in the Press. GREEK TESTAMENT, ex editione Stephani tertia, 1550. Small... | |
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