The Poems of Beha ed din Zoheir of Egypt. With a Metrical Translation, Notes and Introduction, by EH PALMER, MA, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge. 3 vols. Crown Quarto. Vol. II. The ENGLISH TRANSLATION. De bello gallico commentariorum I, II - Page 4by Julius Caesar - 1879 - 110 pagesFull view - About this book
| Walter William Skeat - 1878 - 254 pages
...London : Cambridge Warehouse, \ 7 Paternoster Rmi>. 10 PUBLICATIONS OF ARABIC. POEMS OF BEHÄ ED DIN ZOHEIR OF EGYPT. With a Metrical Translation, Notes and Introduction, by EH PALMER, MA, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic and Fellow of St John's College... | |
| Matthew (st) - 1878 - 288 pages
...formerly Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge. Demy Octavo, 1cs. ARABIC. The Poems of Beha ed dm Zoheir of Egypt. With a Metrical Translation, Notes and Introduction, by EH PALMER, MA, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic and Fellow of St John's College... | |
| comte François Xavier de Maistre - 1878 - 144 pages
...formerly Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge. Demy Octavo. lew. ARABIC. The Poems of Beha eel dm Zoheir of Egypt. With a Metrical Translation, Notes and Introduction, by EH PALMER, MA, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic and Fellow of St John's College... | |
| Bede (the venerable.) - Great Britain - 1878 - 526 pages
...Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge. Demy Octavo, док. ARABIC. The Poems of Beha ed din Zoheir of Egypt. With a Metrical Translation, Notes and Introduction, by EH PALMER. MA, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, Lord Almoner s Professor of Arabic and Fellow of St John's College... | |
| Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier - Heat - 1878 - 534 pages
...Cambridge. Demy Oclavo. 5.1. London : Cambridge Warehouse, 1 7 Paternoster Row. ARABIC. POEMS OF BEHA ED DIN ZOHEIR OF EGYPT. With a Metrical Translation, Notes and Introduction, by EH PALMER, MA, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic and Fellow of St John's College... | |
| Gaius Julius Caesar - 1878 - 136 pages
...formerly Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge. Demy Octavo. ios. ARABIC. The Poems of Beha ed din Zoheir of Egypt. With a Metrical Translation, Notes and Introduction, by EH PALMER, MA, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic and Fellow of St John's College... | |
| Wilhelm Wagner - German poetry - 1878 - 172 pages
...formerly Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge. Demy Octavo. iíw. ARABIO. The Poems of Beha ed din Zoheir of Egypt. With a Metrical Translation, Notes and Introduction, by EH PALMER, MA, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic and Fellow of St John's College... | |
| Jonah (the prophet) - 1878 - 96 pages
...formerly Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge. Demy Octavo, 1tu. ARABIC. The Poems of Beha ed din Zoheir of Egypt. With a Metrical Translation, Notes and Introduction, by EH PALMER, MA, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic and Fellow of St John's College... | |
| Friedrich Ludwig G. von Raumer - 1878 - 160 pages
...formerly Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge. Demy Octavo. ios. ARABIC. The Poema of Beba ed din Zoheir of Egypt. With a Metrical Translation, Notes and Introduction, by EH PALMER, MA, Barrister-at-Law of the Middle Temple, Lord Almoner's Professor of Arabic and Fellow of St John's College... | |
| Edward Hayes Plumptre - 1879 - 260 pages
...of Sanskrit Grammar. By the Rev. THOMAS JARRETT, MA, Regius Professor of Hebrew. Demy Octavo, los. The Poems of Beha ed d1n Zoheir of Egypt. With a Metrical...Quarto. Vol. II. The ENGLISH TRANSLATION. Paper cover, los. f>d. Cloth extra, 15*. [Vol.1. The ARABIC TEXT is already published.] MATHEMATICS, PHYSICAL SCIENCE,... | |
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