| Carl Abel - Comparative linguistics - 1883 - 228 pages
...Notes, pp. 100. 6s. COOMARA SWAMY.— SCTTA NIPATA ; or, Dialogues and Discourses of Gotama Buddha (2500 years old). Translated from the original Pali. With...A Novel. Post 8vo, pp. 250, boards. 1863. Is. 6d. COTT A.— GEOLOGY AND HISTORY. A popular Exposition of all that is known of the Earth and its Inhabitants... | |
 | Willem J. Eys - Basque language - 1883 - 152 pages
...Notes, pp. 100. 6a. COOMARA SWAMY.—SUTTA NirATA ; or, Dialogues and Discourses of Gotama Buddha (2500 years old). Translated from the original Pali. With...A Novel. Post 8vo, pp. 250, boards. 1863. Is. 6d. COTTA.—GEOLOGY ANrl HISTORY. A popular Exposition of all that is known of the Earth and its Inhabitants... | |
 | Frederic Thomas Hall - Demonology - 1883 - 446 pages
...xxxvi. and 160, cloth. 1874. 6s. CORNELIA. A Novel. Post 8vo, pp. 250, boards. 1863. Is. 6d. COTT A.— GEOLOGY AND HISTORY. A popular Exposition of all that...Earth and its Inhabitants in Pre-historic Times. By Bernhard Von Cotta, Professor of Geology at the Academy of Mining, Freiberg, in Saxony. 12mo, pp. iv.... | |
 | Henry Mayers Hyndman - Great Britain - 1883 - 1046 pages
...Memorial Sketch by the Rev. J. ESTLIN CARPENTER. Portrait. Large crown 8vo, 8s. 6d. COTTA, B. von. — Geology and History. A Popular Exposition of all that...the Earth and its Inhabitants in Pre-historic Times. I2mo, 2s. DANA, James D. — A Text-Book of Geology, designed for Schools and Academies. Illustrated.... | |
 | Willem J. Eys - Basque language - 1883 - 150 pages
...Pp. 100. 6s. COOMARA SWAUY.— SCTTA NII-ATA ; or, Dialogues iind Discourses of Gotama Buddha (2500 years old). Translated from the original Pali With...Introduction. By Mutu Coomara Swamy, FRAS Crown 8vo, pp. juzvi. and 160. cloth. 1874. 6s. COTTA.— GEOLOOT AND HISTORY. A Popular Exposition of all that is... | |
 | Willem J. van Eys - Basque language - 1883 - 152 pages
...Notes, pp. 100. 6s. COOMARA SWAMY.— SUTTA NIPATA ; or, Dialogues and Discourses of Gotama Buddha (2500 years old). Translated from the original Pali. With...Notes and Introduction. By Mutu Coomara Swamy, FRAS Crowu 8vo, pp. xxxvi. and 160, cloth. 1874. 6s. CORNELIA. A Novel. Post 8vo, pp. 250, boards. 1863.... | |
 | Heinrich August Jäschke, Heinrich Wenzel - Tibetan language - 1883 - 206 pages
...pp. 100. 6». COOMARA SWAMY. — SDTTA NIPATA ; or, Dialogues and Discourses of Gotama Buddha (2500 years old). Translated from the original Pali. With Notes and Introduction. By Mutu Coomara Swamy, FEAS Crown 8vo, pp. xxxvi. and 160, cloth. 1874. 6s. CORNELIA. A Novel. Post 8vo, pp. 250, boards.... | |
 | Elise C. Otté - Danish language - 1884 - 164 pages
...Notes, pp. 100. 6s. COOMARA SWAMY.— SUTTA NIPATA ; or, Dialogues and Discourses of Gotama Buddha (2500 years old). Translated from the original Pali. With...Earth and its Inhabitants in Pre-historic Times. By Bernhard Von Cotta, Professor of Geology at the Academy of Mining, Freiberg, in Saxony. 12mo, pp. iv.... | |
 | Alfred Percy Sinnett - Buddhism - 1884 - 326 pages
...Notes, pp. 100. 6s. COOMARA SWAMY.— SCTTA NlPATA ; or, Dialogues and Discourses of Gotama Buddha (2500 years old). Translated from the original Pali. With...Earth and its Inhabitants in Pre-historic Times. By Bemhard Von Cotta, Professor of Geology at the Academy of Mining, Ereiberg, in Saxony. 12mo, pp. iv.... | |
 | William Richard Morfill - Polish language - 1884 - 160 pages
...Notes, pp. 100. 6s. OOOMARA SWAMY.— SUTTA NIPATA ; or, Dialogues and Discourses of Gotama Buddha (2500 years old). Translated from the original Pali. With...Earth and its Inhabitants in Pre-historic Times. By Bemhard Von Cotta, Professor of Geology at the Academy of Mining, Freiberg, in Saxony. 12mo, pp. iv.... | |
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